I'm an atheist. I don't believe in god, gods, goddesses, or Big Ghostly Higher Powers. I don't believe we are punished for what we think. I believe we are judged by our actions, not by a higher power, but by each other. There is nothing wrong with judging people if you have been given evidence to make a judgment. Prejudice is not right, because you are choosing to judge someone or thing or idea from pre-consieved ideas. We hirer people we believe to be accurate with this ability. They are called judges.
Most people aren't able to judge. They either feel guilty about it or they don't wait to get enough info before judging. Sometimes people don't like to hear the truth, so they avoid judging. I believe in self judgment. I also believe in the Universe. I believe that what you think, can and will 'become' a reality. I see this as spirituality.
I enjoy it when someone asks me why I am atheist. I like explaining how I came to this conclusion through logical thought, reading and spiritual experience. I do not enjoy it when an atheist tells me that the reason they are atheist is because someone they loved died and now they blame God.
Don't get me wrong. Everyone is free to believe what they want, for whatever reason they want. However, my personal opinion is that faith isn't about emotion. It's about logic.
Life can be difficult, messy, mean, crude, disheartening and painful. It can also be fun, fulfilling, rewarding, fruitful and fascinating. But, this all depends on how we interact with it. Are you the type of person that makes things happen? Does sitting around waiting for things to happen make you cringe? Or, are you the type that needs direction from an outside source to get things going? Do you need a reason to live?
I don't believe life is guided by anything. I think life is pointless, but in a good, Do It Yourself way. Life is like a big empty drawing book. It's your job to go get the crayons or pens or colored chalk you need to create the pictures. If you don't bother going out and getting the crayons, pens or chalk, because you think someone else should bring them to you, then you are going to be rudely awaken one day. That wake up call WILL be painful. If someone dies, you lose your job, the love of your life runs off, your friends treat you like crap...etc; and you have no way to handle it, then you will be traumatized, emotionally by what 'life' hasn't seemed to offer.
Aren't the times where we have been so lost, and in so much pain the times where we should all feel closer to our god, or our faith? Apparently this isn't true for some people. For some people, faith is all about some Janet Jackson song, "What have you done for me lately?" Faith is nothing more than a reason to ask for things or to ask for a good life. By basing our faith in the basis of logic, we are better able to understand why our life might not be ideal. We, even more, understand WHY we believe instead of simply coming up with the buzz word, "Because. It just feels right."
Remember, just because it feels good, doesn't make it reliable. If you have the back up of logic and thought to support you, then in those times when life is most emotional, you will have foundation on which to land .
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